
Coaching can help uncover the things in our way of success as well as what’s truly important to us so we may achieve our goals and live a better life.

Is coaching right for you?

People will work with coaches when they feel stuck, unfulfilled, and not living their best life. A coach can help you understand your needs and make a plan to get what you really want by taking action now for your future.


I believe a healthy relationship with my patients and coaching clients starts with warm, compassionate care, genuine curiosity, and a collaborative partnership. Your happiness is my mission. Together, we’ll design a plan and tailor it to your individual needs.

What can Coaching do for you?

I work with executives, physicians, professionals and other individuals on issues of wellness, resiliency, fulfillment, burnout, work-life balance, and leadership.

Together, we’ll discover:

Life Purpose

Discovering your values as well as your “why.” Learn to recognize when you’re not living a life that honors your values or purpose and how this can make you feel things such as discontentment, feeling lost or depression.


Different Perspectives

You will learn about how perspectives lead to beliefs and how you can change your perspective to change your reality. This will allow you to have more options available to make the best choice for you that honors your values.

Accepting Difficult Feelings

I will help you to identify difficult feelings, both positive and negative, that you cannot be with and help you process them in a way that allows for freedom of choice.


Inner Leaders vs Saboteurs

You will discover your wise and strong inner self, identify your inner critic, and gain the skills to make your best decisions by balancing these.

Work/Life Balance

You will gain insight and skills to be able to be your best in both worlds by achieving harmony between the two.


Helpful vs Unhelpful Habits

You will become aware and skillful in identifying these habits, distinguishing between them and make conscious choices to live with helpful habits.

Setting Goals & Taking Action

We will co-create a space where you will identify goals that honor your values and your “why.” You will then be able to hold yourself accountable to take action towards the life that you have always wanted.


How we’ll work together

My Coaching Certifications

I received my coaching training through Coactive Training Institute (CTI), the world’s leader and authority in the field of coaching with the most rigorous training standards in the industry. The program is also recognized by the world’s most well-known coaching credentialing organization, the International Coach Federation (ICF). By combining my experiences in psychiatry, psychotherapy, and coaching, I am able to provide you with a unique coaching experience.

Client Testimonial

“For the first time in my life I feel like that old cliche, “The world is your oyster” is finally true for me. I feel the confidence in myself necessary to do the remarkable things I have dreamed of in my previous years. This is all thanks to the warmth and compassion I felt under Dr. Liu’s care. If nothing else, he believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself.”

Set up an appointment to see if we are a good fit

For details visit my policies page